We have been called by God to be a lighthouse to the world. It starts here at home in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We bring the gospel message of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to all we come in contact with. God has placed it on the heart of our congregation to be involved in the process of bringing the truth to our community, city, and beyond to the nation and the world. We believe that by being good citizens in these areas we will be able to impact society in a way to aid in turning them to God for their answers, and in causing our government bodies to face the fact that we are truly “One nation under God:” The ONE TRUE GOD of the Bible. We will conduct ministry to reach all people of all ages.
One critical element to successful ministry is prayer. Through prayer we continually develop our relationship with God. Prayer is to be so integral to the life of the believer that our connection with God is constant, without disconnect. Through our continual communication with Him, we are able to conduct ourselves in every aspect of our lives and ministry under His direction, authority and strength. When each of us follows God's directives in this way, we will achieve the results God has deemed for us as a congregation, Body of Christ, and the complete Kingdom of God.
Through prayer we are able to seek God's guidance, strength protection and victorious ability to resist "principalities, powers, the rulers of darkness of this age, and spiritual wickedness in high places".* Through prayer we achieve God's purposes and reach seek His assistance in drawing our 'neighbors', friends and loved ones to find Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
*Ephesians 6:12
God has placed us to influence our community and instruct others in His Word and ways. As part of this, we conduct ministry services to local nursing homes and other facilities where the inhabitants are unable to travel to church services.
Bill Crocker is "pastor" of a nursing home facility very near our current location at 401 West Bijou Street. Other opportunities are being pursued as they present themselves and God urges others to assist in the ministry.
Sunday School / Bible Study
Pastor Rex Louth teaches a Bible Study on Wednesday Evenings at the Peakview location at 401 W Bijou Street beginning at 7pm. The studies have been titled "An Analytical Survey of the Bible", which focuses on the historical, analytical, and evidentiary (through sciences and records) proofs of the Scriptural record. Beginning on January 15, 2025, the studies will focus on a similarly focused study on "End Time" prophecy.
April Crocker is led by God to conduct our Children's Study during the morning Bible Study time as well. The Children's Study is held in the basement of the church, and offers them an opportunity to participate in hands-on learning. April also conducts a Children's Church ministry during sermon-time of Morning Worship. Morning Worship begins at 10:30am, with the sermon beginning at approximately 11:15am.
Worship / Music
Our worship is a blend of traditional and contemporary, ranging from occasional hymns to worship choruses from decades past and present.
In addition to the worship in congregational music, there is also opportunity for those interested to display their talents in singing and music individually, or as part of the Worship Team. Please contact Pastor Rex if you are interested in becoming part of "the team".
Our youth program is developed to guide the younger in learning God's ways and putting them into practice in their lives: Discipleship
As part of our mission, we encourage those within our congregation to participate in the community through volunteer service in benevolence-focused ministry, as well as to influence our local society with the gospel message through direct participation in the social and political processes as directed by God.
Our pastor has set the example for this by previously serving as an elected official within a political party, and is directly involved wherever possible influencing and assisting in establishing policy which is founded upon God's Word.
Our Benevolence Committee reviews applications for assistance and, where funds are available, will help with appropriate requests. Also, a food bank of non-perishables is maintained for those needing such, and is based on the need and available resources.
Men's Fellowship
The men of the congregation meet the second Saturday of each month at 8:30am for a breakfast meeting where we study Men's Develoment in Bible principles. The Saturday they meet may change due to scheduling conflicts. Please see the "Media and Events" tab of this website for monthly details.
Women's Ministry
The women of the congregation meet periodically as needed.
The location and dates for the meetings change, so please check the "Media and Event's" tab of this website for details.